Food Allergies + Sensitivities - Part 3

What foods irritate the immune system most commonly?
Your gut barrier can be weakened by a nutrient-poor diet high in sugar, white flour and low fiber. Nutritional deficiencies of zinc, omega-3 fats, over use of antibiotics, medications, hormones, exposure to environmental toxins and high levels of emotional + mental stress also contribute. Then the outside environment ‘leaks’ into your body and you develop allergies and systemic immune problems.
This is called LEAKY GUT!
While everyone is different, there’re some FOODS that irritate the immune system more then others. I’ve picked the top 6 that I most commonly encounter with my clients.
-gluten (a protein in grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelt)
-dairy (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt)
-nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplant)
-yeast (bakers yeast, brewers yeast, wine)
While there are blood tests to help you identify IgG sensitivities, the BEST test is to eliminate them fully (100%) from the diet for 4 weeks. To be effective, this needs to be done cold turkey. Then reintroduce one at a time. Your body will let you know via symptom if this food is okay to add back in or continue to avoid.
Without support during these food experiments. Life can feel overwhelming! And most often ask what they should be eating? Each body is unique and it’s important to have someone support and provide guidance to ensure your success.
I offer free gut health consultations. If these past three posts about food allergies + sensitivities got your attention reach out to me. I can help!


Delicious Red Lentil Soup


Food Allergies + Sensitivities - Part 2